30 July 2011

Henry B. Eyring

"You could ask yourself, 'How did God Bless me today?' If you do that long enough and with faith, you will find yourself remembering blessings. And sometimes you will have gifts brought to your mind which you failed to notice during the day, but which you will then know were a touch of God's hand in your life."

جويس ماير

انجامش بده! حتی با ترس

اطاعت از خداوند در مقابله با ترس

نوشته: جويس ماير

آيا ترس بر شما غالب آمده است؟

تک تک افراد در زندگی خود طعم تلخ ترس را

چشيده اند. تقريباً هر بار که بخواهيد در

خداوند گامی به جلو برداشته، پيش برويد، ترس

سعی خواهد کرد تا شما را به عقب براند. ترس

هميشه گوش به زنگ است تا از طريق افکار و

انديشه ها، به ذهن شما بتازد. اما اين را

بدانيد که شما می توانيد از ترس رها شويد!

وعده خداوند اين است که ما قادريم بر ترس

غلبه کنيم. در اين کتاب ، جويس ماير به ما

نشان می دهد که حتی به هنگام رويارويی با

ترس و طرد شدگی، روح القدس ما را ياری می

دهد تا بتوانيم در ايمان گام برداريم و اين

احساس را ناديده بگيريم.

حالا ببينيد که طبق کلام خدا، برای شکست دادن

دشمن ترس در زندگيتان بايد چه کنيد.

امروز روز پيروزی شماست.اگر تصميم گرفته ايد

قدمی به جلو برداريد و انجامش دهيد، حتی با


28 July 2011

Matthew 5:14-16

"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

دعا چيست؟

به زباني ساده, دعا ايجاد ارتباط با خدا است. شما به عنوان فرزندان خدا خوانده شده‌ايد تا با دليري به تخت فيض او نزديك شويد. پولس رسول مي‌نويسد: <پس چون رئيس كهنه عظيمي داريم كه از آسمانها در گذشته است يعني عيسي , پسر خدا, پس با دليري (اعتماد) نزديك به تخت فيض بياييم تا رحمت بيابيم وفيض را حاصل كنيم كه در وقت ضرورت (احتياج) ما را اعانت كند.> (عبرانيان 14:4-16)
چون خدا شاه شاهان, رب‌الارباب و آفريننده آسمان و زمين است, ما بايد با احترام به حضور او بياييم. ولي از طرف ديگر او پدر مهربان و آسماني ما نيز است كه به فكر ما بوده و از داشتن مشاركت و دوستي با ما لذت مي‌برد. در نتيجه با دانستن اين واقعيت كه او بيش از هر كس ديگري كه ما را دوست داشته يا خواهد داشت ما را دوست دارد, مي‌توانيم با احترام و با قلبي مملو از شادي به حضور او بياييم.
 بنا به گفته اي : < دعا هم مجرا و هم موجد و مولد عبادت مي باشد. روح عبادت همان روح دعا است. همان طور كه جسم و جان با هم پيوسته مي باشند و همان طور كه حيات و قلب ما به يكديگر وابسته مي باشند, دعا و عبادت نيز به هم وابسته اند. بدون عبادت, دعاي واقعي وجود ندارد و بدون دعا, عبادت وجود ندارد.> دعاي واقعي, ابراز سرسپردگي و عبوديت ما به پدر آسماني است و دعوتي است براي اين كه چون ما با او سخن مي گوييم, او نيز با ما سخن بگويد 

Prayer for Heart problems

Merciful Jesus, during Your life on earth You showed great concern for the sick and the infirm. Have compassion now on those who are suffering from heart disease. Grant them a healing of mind and body and restore their strength and spirit. Comfort them with the knowledge that we are praying for them, and give them peace with a sense of Your Presence. 

27 July 2011

Measuring Up

"When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise." 2 Corinthians 10:12b (NIV)

Do you ever compare yourself to others and feel like you don't quite measure up? Maybe you think you're not as smart, capable, personable, or as godly as they are.

It is so easy to think that if we had more or knew more, we'd be secure. But the truth is, even people who "have it all" still struggle with feelings of insecurity. The Bible opens with the story of a woman who had everything, but it wasn't enough (Genesis 2).

God had established Eve's worth as His child and the crown of His creation. He also gave Eve every woman's desire: intimacy, beauty, security, significance, and purpose. Yet Satan conjured up feelings of insecurity by getting Eve to take her eyes off what she had and focus on what she didn't have.

Boy, can I relate. Like Eve, I've heard Satan's whispers telling me I'm not all I could be — or should be. One day I was reading her story in Genesis 2 and I noticed that his questions and suggestions were intended to plant seeds of doubt in Eve's heart. He wanted her to doubt God and herself.

The enemy's whispers tempted Eve to try to "be" more and "have" more by seeking significance apart from God's provision. He convinced her something was missing in her life and that the forbidden fruit would make her be "like God."

It was a foolish comparison, but all comparisons are. Yet don't we do it all the time? If only I was like her...if only I had a house like hers, a husband like hers, a job like hers...if only my children behaved like hers...If only _______, then I'd feel significant, satisfied and secure.

In today's key verse, Paul warns us that those who "measure themselves by themselves, and compare themselves with themselves, are not wise" (2 Cor. 10:12 NIV). Comparison will always leave us feeling like we don't measure up. We can try to do more and be more, yet it's never enough.

If only Eve had focused on who she was and what she had as a child of God. If only we could too.

Yet Satan wants us to focus on our flaws and feelings of inadequacy, then exhaust our energy figuring out how to hide them. But we don't have to go along with his schemes. Instead we can recognize his lies, refute his temptations with truth, and focus on God's acceptance, security, and significance. Then we can thank God for His provision and His promises that remind us of who we are in Him:

I am accepted...
Ephesians 1:3-8 I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child.
Colossians 1:13-14 I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins.
Colossians 2:9-10 I am complete in Christ.

I am secure...
Romans 8:28 I am assured that God works for my good in all circumstances.
Romans 8:31-39 I am free from condemnation. I can't be separated from God's love.
Philippians1:6 I am confident God will complete the good work He started in me.

I am significant...
Ephesians 2:10 I am God's workmanship.
Ephesians 3:12 I may approach God with freedom and confidence.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.

Lord, thank You that in Christ I'm accepted, secure and significant. When I'm tempted to find my significance and security apart from Your provision and promises, help me recognize Satan's lies, refuse his temptations and stand firm in my faith. Remind me that such confidence as this is mine through Christ — not that I am competent in myself to claim anything for myself, but competence comes from Him. In Jesus' Name, Amen. (see 1 Peter 5:9; 2 Corinthians 3:4-5)
By REnee Swope

صلح و آرامش

ای پدر آسمانی ٬ مرا به عنصر صلح و آرامش خود بدل کن. ترس کجاست؟زمانیکه من حامل عشق و دوستی در عیسی مسیح برای انسانها هستم. نفرت کجاست؟وقتی که من حامل بخشش و گذشت در عیسی مسیح هستم. شک و تردید کجاست ؟زمانیکه قلب من جایگاه ایمان به خداوند عیسی است. غرور و تعصب کجاست؟ زمانیکه من همانند خداوندم عیسی فروتن باشم. اشتباه کجاست؟وقتی که من حامل حقیقت عیسی مسیح هستم. نومیدی کجاست؟زمانیکه من دنیایی از امید در عیسی مسیح خداوند هستم. تاریکی کجاست؟وقتی که من حامل زیباترین ستاره های پر نور از کلام پدر آسمانی هستم. ای پدر صلح و آرامش و عشق و فروتنی و حقیقت و بخشش و گذشت و ایمان و امید و نور کلام را در من تقویت کن و ترس و شک و تردید و غرور و تعصب و اشتباه و نا امیدی و تاریکی را از من دور کن در نام عیسی مسیح - آمین.


به نیکویی تو ای پدر ایمان دارم و تمامی وعده های تو حقیقت مطلق هستند. یقین دارم که از زخمهای توست ای عیسی خداوندم که شفا یافته ایم پس بحضورت آمده و می طلبم تا جسم و روح ما را از شفای آسمانی خویش لبریز سازی و روح القدس عزیز تشنه پری تو هستیم، ما را سیراب ساز.

26 July 2011

Julie B. Beck

"Many answers to difficult questions are found by reading the scriptures because the scriptures are an aid to revelation. Insight found in scripture accumulates over time, so it is important to spend some time in the scriptures every day. Daily prayer is also essential to having the Lord's Spirit with us. Those who earnestly seek help through prayer and scripture study often have a paper and pencil nearby to write questions and record impressions and ideas."

The Conditions for Answered Prayer

God wants you to ask.  He really does.  But there are some conditions He gives in order to answer your requests.  In John chapters 14-16 we find a number of these conditions.
We need to remember that these are Jesus' last hours with the disciples; and He wants them to understand how prayer really works.  Over and over He emphasizes the need to ask, but His answers will be based on three conditions.
First, in John 14:13, Jesus says your request must glorify God,
"And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask anything in My name, I will do it."
Second, in John 15:7, He says your request must be consistent and in harmony with His Word,
"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you."
And finally, in John 16:23-24, Jesus sets the condition that your request bring you joy,
"And in that day you will ask Me nothing.  Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you.  Until now you have asked nothing in My name.  Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full."
Over and over, Jesus commands you to ask.  But when you ask, make sure your request will glorify God, that it is consistent with His Word, and that it will bring you joy.

Psalms Chapter 139:7-18 , مزامیر داود

از نزد تو كجا بروم؟ و از حضور تو كجا بگريزم؟
اگر به آسمان صعود كنم، تو آنجا هستي! و اگر در هاويه بستر بگسترانم اينك تو آنجا هستي!اگر بالهاي سحر را بگيرم و در اقصاي دريا ساكن شوم،در آنجا نيز دست تو مرا رهبري خواهد نمود و دست راست تو مرا خواهد گرفت.و گفتم: «يقيناً تاريكي مرا خواهد پوشانيد.» كه در حال شب گرداگرد من روشنايي گرديد.تاريكي نيز نزد تو تاريك نيست و شب مثل روز روشن است و تاريكي و روشنايي يكي است.زيرا كه تو بر دل من مالك هستي؛ مرا در رحم مادر نقش بستي.تو را حمد خواهم گفت زيرا كه به طور مَهيب و عجيب ساخته شده‌ام. كارهاي تو عجيب است و جان من اين را نيكو مي‌داند.
استخوانهايم از تو پنهان نبود وقتي كه در نهان ساخته مي‌شدم و در اسفل زمين نقشبندي مي‌گشتم.چشمان تو جنين مرا ديده است و در دفتر تو همه اعضاي من نوشته شده، در روزهايي كه ساخته مي‌شد، وقتي كه يكي از آنها وجود نداشت.
اي خدا، فكرهاي تو نزد من چه قدر گرامي است و جمله آنها چه عظيم است!
اگر آنها را بشمارم، از ريگ زياده است. وقتي كه بيدار مي‌شوم هنوز نزد تو حاضر هستم
Psalms Chapter 139:7-18
Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.
If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me," even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you. 

ساده زیستن

ساده زیستن، اگر حقیقی و باطنی باشد، ظاهرمان را نیز بی‌ریاتر و طبیعی‌تر خواهد ساخت. چنین ساده زیستی، اگر با چشمان پاک بدان بنگریم، ما را جذب صداقت، وقار، معصومیت، شادمانی و آرامشی دلپذیر می‌کند. آه که این ساده زیستن چقدر دلپذیر است! چه کسی آن را به من خواهد آموخت؟ همه چیز را فدای آن خواهم ساخت، زیرا گوهر گرانبهایی است که انجیل از آن سخن می‌گوید

25 July 2011

Gordon B. Hinckley

"Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine."

Emmanuel Swedenborga

"Kindness is an inner desire that makes us want to do good things even if we do not get anything in return. It is the joy of our life to do them. When we do good things from this inner desire, there is kindness in everything we think, say, want and do."

Habakkuk 3:17-18 (GW)

"Even if the fig tree does not bloom and the vines have no grapes, even if the olive tree fails to produce and the fields yield no food, even if the sheep pen is empty and the stalls have no cattle — even then, I will be happy with the Lord. I will truly find joy in God, who saves me." Habakkuk 3:17-18 (GW)

Dear Lord, times are hard and I need You. I place my trust in You. Even when there seems to be nothing...I want to find my happiness in You. Please give me joy in the midst of this difficult time. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Friends in Action

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13 (NIV)
What makes a good friend? Someone who runs errands for you when you're sick? Who takes your kids off your hands when you need a break? Who sits with you over a cup of coffee and listens? Someone you can count on to see the latest chick flicks with you? Someone who challenges you to be a better wife, mother, and follower of God?
In each of these examples, we see friendship taking an active form. As I have studied the Bible, I see three instances of friendship in action. Job 2:11-13 shows us how Job's friends came to help him as he faced hardship. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar dropped everything to go comfort their friend — even if it was just to sit silently beside him. They knew that just their presence and willingness to listen would comfort him.
Acts 28:15 gives us a glimpse into how just the sight of trusted friends can encourage us. Paul's friends heard he was coming so they traveled a great distance to greet him. For Paul this was a huge blessing. Sometimes just knowing someone is willing to make an effort on your behalf will put wind in your sails. I love that Paul first thanked God for his friends. I want to remember, like he did, that friends are a gift from God.
Acts 12:12-19 tells us how Peter's friends couldn't be with him because he was imprisoned. But that didn't stop them from doing what they could. They gathered together to pray. The King James Version of Acts 12:5 says that they were literally praying "without ceasing." These friends knew that corporate prayer was an action they could take on behalf of their friend who needed them.
Whether we physically go to our friend's side or spiritually partner with them in prayer, we can look to these examples from the Bible as to how to be friends in action.
In a society that is more and more driven to social media, texting, and emailing as a way to stay connected, we cannot overlook what taking physical action in real time can mean. We can be active in faith, in love, in joy, in kindness. We choose to act because we understand that we are God's hands and feet to those He puts in our lives. Yes, it takes extra effort, time, and even money to be an active friend. But the blessings outweigh the effort as we live according to the examples God has given us.
Dear Lord, help me to be a friend who takes action. When You lay someone on my heart, help me to feel a sense of urgency to move on their behalf. Help me to follow these Biblical examples and be a friend in action, not just in thought. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
By Marybeth Whalen

متی فصل نهم

مسیح به دو نابینا گفت: چون ایمان دارید، پس شفا بیابید. متی فصل نهم. این ایمان آن ها بود که موقعیت شان را تغییر داد. هیچکس نمی تواند به جای شما ایمان داشته باشد. بی شک مردم می توانند برای شما دعا کنند، اما ایمان چیزی است که شما خودتان باید تجربه کنید. اگر همیشه به دیگری متکی باشید در ضعف و نومیدی زندگی خواهید کرد. آنچه خود شما ایمان دارید، تاثیر بزرگ تری بر زندگی شما دارد تا آنچه دیگران باور دارند.

Find my way

مزمور داود 4:25
ای خداوند، طريق های خود را به من بياموز و راههای خويش را به من تعليم ده

14 July 2011

How Will Believers Be Judged?

Scripture reveals that Jesus Christ will judge every person who has ever lived (Acts 10:42). Those who refuse His offer of salvation face the white throne judgment—the unbelievers’ last stop before an eternity of exile from God’s presence. Believers will also stand before Jesus, at which time they’ll finally come to full comprehension of His extravagant grace.
In 1 Corinthians 4:5, Paul asserts that Jesus will disclose the motives hidden in believers’ hearts. Some people have gotten the misguided idea that all their sins will be displayed for everyone to see, but the Bible in no way supports that notion.
Jesus will reveal the true nature of a believer’s heart to him or her. Every rebellious act, wrong attitude, and cutting word will be reviewed. When the Bible says that Jesus will wipe the tears from our eyes, it is referring to this time (Isaiah 25:8). We’ll be standing in the holy Savior’s presence, grieving over how undeserving we are of His sacrifice. But the sorrow will last only a moment. On its heels comes the tremendous joy of having received forgiveness and lived a life pleasing to Him. Christ’s judgment is not a punishment; it is a reminder that we are pardoned. At last, we will fully realize the depth and breadthof His grace.
Believers need not cower or hang their heads during the judgment. Nor are we to repent—the time for that is past. We will stand before the Lord, clothed in Christ’s righteousness and forgiven of every single sin. And we will at last comprehend how great is the love of our God for us.
By Charles Stanley    

13 July 2011

ایمان خود را بیشتر کنید

شاید منتظر خدا هستید که حرکتی بکند، ولی خدا منتظر شماست که ایمان خود را بیشتر کنید. خدا با ایمان کار می کند. بعضی ها چارچوب ذهنی محدود و بسته ای دارند. آن ها کوچک فکر می کنند، کوچک باور می کنند و کوچک انتظار دارند و متعجب اند که چرا هرگز چیز بزرگی برای شان رخ نمی دهد. این طرز فکر خودشان است که آن ها را در شکست باقی می گذارد. اگر طرز فکر خود را عوض کنید، خدا زندگی شما را عوض خواهد کرد.

12 July 2011

Sheri L. Dew

"Faith in Jesus Christ is the key to vision, to seeing ourselves as the Lord sees us. So to improve our vision, we must increase our faith in and connection to the Saviour."

Are You Obeying God's Warnings?

God does warn us, but we must listen to those warnings.  As Job 33:14-18 says,
For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it.  In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction.  In order to turn man from his deed, and conceal pride from man, He keeps back his soul from the Pit, and his life from perishing by the sword.
God always tries to warn us to keep us out of the pits and to keep our lives from danger.  And He speaks in many different ways.  Sometimes, as we read here, God will speak to us even through a dream.
As I look at my own life, I can see that I have fallen into pits at various times because I did not listen to God's warnings.  There have been times I have been too busy to perceive the fact that God was talking to me.  It wasn't that God wasn't warning me.  He was.  I just had a bunch of other things going on in my life and was not taking time to listen to Him.
He is always faithful to warn us.   It's just that we are not always faithful to listen.  So if you find yourself in a pit today because you did not heed God's warning, just say, "God, I'm sorry."  Repent.  God will forgive you.  And you will be in the position to receive His deliverance

Laying Me Down to Sleep

"God called the light 'day,' and the darkness he called 'night.' And there was evening, and there was morning— the first day." Genesis 1:5 (NIV)
What time did your day begin today?
Did it begin as the sun poked through the widow urging you to wake? Or, did the alarm buzz at 5:30 AM? Or maybe at 6:45? Perhaps you slept until 8:00?
What if I told you your day began last night as the sun set — would you disagree?
In the modern, westernized world we think of our days as sun rise to sun rise. In other words, we rise, we work, and then we end the day in rest. We rest to recover from our work ... with whatever time is left over after the work is done.
However, in the ancient Jewish tradition the day runs from sundown to sundown. That's quite a different concept. In other words, we rest, then we rise and do our work. Rest becomes the source and fuel for the work rather than merely recovery from it.
Where did the Hebrews get this seemingly backwards notion of the day beginning in the evening? From the God who never sleeps, in the Bible. Notice in today's key verse — in fact, in multiple verses throughout the Genesis creation account — there was evening, and then morning and that was counted as a day.
A secular rhythm of life makes work primary. We work first, then go from work to vacation. In contrast, a sacred rhythm makes rest primary, moving us from God-ordained rest into our vocation. The sacred rhythm is rest, rise, work rather than rise, work, rest. Let that difference sink in and sway the seat of your soul.
Internalizing this difference is the basis for connecting with God through rest. Pastor and author Eugene Peterson describes this ancient rest-first rhythm:
"This Hebrew evening/morning sequence conditions us to the rhythms of grace. We go to sleep, and God begins his work. As we sleep he develops his covenant. We wake and are called to participate in God's creative action. We respond in faith, in work. But always grace is previous. Grace is primary. We wake into a world we didn't make, into a salvation we didn't earn.
Evening: God begins, without our help, his creative day. Morning: God calls us to enjoy and share and develop the work he initiated. Creation and covenant are sheer grace and there to greet us every morning."
I don't know why God's Word marks out time in this way in Genesis, but I am discovering I think and live differently when I adopt this view of my days. I see each night's rest as something important, something to prepare for — and something important that prepares me. I've long known that rest prepares me physically to rise and work again, and now I'm finding it prepares me spiritually to rise walk in grace and faith.
As I lie down, close my eyes, pray, and slip from consciousness, I do so with the understanding that it is God who holds everything together during my temporary absence from the world. And it's Him who will continue to hold everything together when I rise and work in the coming daylight. At no point — day or night — am I independent of Him. He even has the power to direct my dreams should He desire.
So I've developed a theology of sleep that punctuates my days. It helps me see my nights and my rest as set apart and holy. It helps me to see God as I lay myself down to sleep. In fact, it helps me see that it is He who lays me down for the gracious gift of rest.
What about you? How do you think about rest? How do you treat it? How might God be calling you to look at it differently?
Dear Lord, thank You for rest. Thank You that I can rest while You continue to hold everything together. Help me rest well and worship You through rest. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

By Rachel Olsen  


گاهی خدا شما را در موقعیت نامطلوبی قرار می دهد تا به دیگری کمک کنید. مثلا با کسی همکار شوید که عصبی است و شما را آزار می دهد. دعا می کنید: خدایا چرا این آدم را از زندگی من بیرون نمی کنی؟ شاید خدا شما را به عمد این جا گذاشته تا در زندگی این آدم تاثیر بگذارید. شاید خدا می خواهد از طریق شما در آن فرد تفاوت ایجاد کند و قلبش را عوض کند. در هر جا خدا شما را قرار داد، بدرخشید

یوحنا ۷: ۳۷- ۳۸

هر که تشنه باشد نزد من آید و بنوشد. کسی که به من ایمان آورد چنانکه کتاب میگوید از بطن او نهرهای آب زنده جاری خواهد شد

9 July 2011

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"The Lord doesn't expect us to work harder than we are able. He doesn't (nor should we) compare our efforts to those of others. Our Heavenly Father asks only that we do the best we can—that we work according to our full capacity, however great or small that may be."

In the Pits?

There are times when each of us are in the pits, when life just seems to be upside down and nothing seems to be going right.
As you read the Psalms, you realize King David often felt this way.  Take Psalm 88 for example.  In verses 2-6 he says,
Let my prayer come before You; incline Your ear to my cry.  For my soul is full of troubles, and my life draws near to the grave.  I am counted with those who go down to the pit; I am like a man who has no strength, adrift among the dead, like the slain who lie in the grave, whom You remember no more, and who are cut off from Your hand.  You have laid me in the lowest pit, in darkness, in the depths.
Pretty descriptive of how you and I can sometimes feel, when our soul is full of troubles…like one who has no strength…adrift among the dead…whom You [God] remember no more.
When you are in the pits, it can often seem like there is no way out.  Your soul is full of trouble, you are despondent, you are overwhelmed by the problems of life, you can almost feel like something has died inside of you, and you might feel totally cut off from God, like He has somehow forgotten you.
What I want you to see in today's Scripture is that you are not alone.  Every one of us has gone through these difficult days.  Even King David!
God knows your struggles.  Like David, take time today to share with God all that is on your heart, and in the next few days, I will show you how you can get out of the pits!

7 July 2011

ساده زیستن

ساده زیستن، اگر حقیقی و باطنی باشد، ظاهرمان را نیز بی‌ریاتر و طبیعی‌تر خواهد ساخت. چنین ساده زیستی، اگر با چشمان پاک بدان بنگریم، ما را جذب صداقت، وقار، معصومیت، شادمانی و آرامشی دلپذیر می‌کند. آه که این ساده زیستن چقدر دلپذیر است! چه کسی آن را به من خواهد آموخت؟ همه چیز را فدای آن خواهم ساخت، زیرا گوهر گرانبهایی است که انجیل از آن سخن می‌گوید.

1 July 2011

I believe...

I believe today will be a good day because God made it.
{Psalm 118:24}
I believe I have all I need to accomplish His purpose in my life.
{2 Peter 1:3}
I believe nothing is too difficult for me because nothing is impossible for the God who lives in me.
{Philippians 4:13}
I believe even the biggest challenges in my life can be redeemed for my good and His glory.
{Romans 8:28}
I believe I am loved just as I am and called to become even more like Jesus every day.
{Hebrews 10:14}
I believe that He isn't finished with me yet and is able to complete the good work begun in me.
{Philippians 1:6}
I believe I am an overcomer, more than a conqueror, and nothing will keep God from carrying out His plans!
{Romans 8:32-39}

Can I get an "amen" or a "yoo-hoo"?
 --Holley Gerth