1 July 2011

I believe...

I believe today will be a good day because God made it.
{Psalm 118:24}
I believe I have all I need to accomplish His purpose in my life.
{2 Peter 1:3}
I believe nothing is too difficult for me because nothing is impossible for the God who lives in me.
{Philippians 4:13}
I believe even the biggest challenges in my life can be redeemed for my good and His glory.
{Romans 8:28}
I believe I am loved just as I am and called to become even more like Jesus every day.
{Hebrews 10:14}
I believe that He isn't finished with me yet and is able to complete the good work begun in me.
{Philippians 1:6}
I believe I am an overcomer, more than a conqueror, and nothing will keep God from carrying out His plans!
{Romans 8:32-39}

Can I get an "amen" or a "yoo-hoo"?
 --Holley Gerth


  1. Hi -

    Amen and yoo hoo!!!

    Thank you. This is precisely what I needed at this moment.

    Glory to GOD.

  2. I believe, too! And praising God for it.

    I hope your weekend is full of joy -- and fireworks!

  3. thank-you :)

  4. Amen! Loved reading these!! Believe completely & will be writing these down & carrying them with me. Thanks for visiting my blog, gave me the opportunity to follow yours.

  5. Great post. Happy July 4th!

  6. Amen and yoo-hoo! I believe!!
    Love this and will be writing them down as well!

    Thanks for visiting my blog, always great to find fellow Christian bloggers!

  7. Hi Shapour,

    Amen and yoo-hoo!! Great blog you have!! I was blog hopping and found your blog. I will follow you. Come on over to mine and follow me. I would be happy to see you there.

    Blessings in Him...Chelle

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog! :)

  9. I love the 'nothing is impossible for God' - it's always good to be reminded of that!

  10. Amen!
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  11. What an uplifting post Shapour; so glad I stopped by this morning! Amen! This put a smile in my heart. :)
