30 June 2011

مادر ترزا

نمی‌دانم بهشت چگونه است، اما می‌دانم که وقتی بمیرم و مقابل تخت داوری خدا بایستم از من نمی‌پرسد چه تعداد کار نیک کرده‌ام، بلکه کارهایم تا چه حد از روی محبت‌ بوده است

Henry B. Eyring

"So many things beat upon us in a lifetime that simply enduring may seem almost beyond us… But the test a loving God has set before us is not to see if we can endure difficulty. It is to see if we can endure it well. We pass the test by showing that we remembered Him and the commandments He gave us. And to endure well is to keep those commandments whatever the opposition, whatever the temptation, and whatever the tumult around us."

عبرانیان 12:12

  دستهای خسته خود را به کار گیرید و بر پاهای سست ولرزان خود محکم باستید و برای پاهای خود راهی راست هموار سازید تا آنانی که به دنبال شما می آیند حتی اگر ناتوان و لنگ باشند نیفتند بلکه قوت خود را باز یابند

29 June 2011

Howard W. Hunter

"This year, mend a quarrel. Seek out a forgotten friend. Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust. Write a letter. Give a soft answer. Encourage youth. Manifest your loyalty in word and deed. Keep a promise. Forgo a grudge. Forgive an enemy. Apologize. Try to understand. Examine your demands on others. Think first of someone else. Be kind. Be gentle. Laugh a little more. Express your gratitude. Welcome a stranger. Gladden the heart of a child. Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth. Speak your love and then speak it again."


حکایت دو کشاورز سال ها دو برادر با هم در مزرعه ای که از پدرشان به ارث رسیده بود، زندگی می کردند. یک روز به خاطر یک سوء تفاهم کوچک، با هم جرو بحث کردند. پس از چند هفته سکوت، اختلاف آنها زیاد شد و از هم جدا شدند.
یک روز صبح در خانه برادر بزرگ تر به صدا درآمد. وقتی در را باز کرد، مرد نجـاری را دید. نجـار گفت:«من چند روزی است که دنبال کار می گردم، فکرکردم شاید شما کمی خرده کاری در خانه و مزرعه داشته باشید، آیا امکان دارد که کمکتان کنم؟» برادر بزرگ تر جواب داد: «بله، اتفاقاً من یک مقدار کار دارم. به آن نهر در وسط مزرعه نگاه کن، آن همسایه در حقیقت برادر کوچک تر من است. او هفته گذشته چند نفر را استخدام کرد تا وسط مزرعه را کندند و این نهر آب بین مزرعه ما افتاد. او حتماً این کار را بخاطر کینه ای که از من به دل دارد، انجام داده.» سپس به انبار مزرعه اشاره کرد و گفت:« در انبار مقداری الوار دارم، از تو می خواهم تا بین مزرعه من و برادرم حصار بکشی تا دیگر او را نبینم.»
نجار پذیرفت و شروع کرد به اندازه گیری و اره کردن الوار. برادر بزرگ تر به نجار گفت:« من برای خرید به شهر می روم، اگر وسیله ای نیاز داری برایت بخرم.» نجار در حالی که به شدت مشغول کار بود، جواب داد:«نه، چیزی لازم ندارم.» هنگام غروب وقتی کشاورز به مزرعه برگشت، چشمانش از تعجب گرد شد. حصاری در کارنبود. نجار به جای حصار یک پل روی نهر ساخته بود.
کشاورز با عصبانیت رو به نجار کرد و گفت:«مگر من به تو نگفته بودم برایم حصار بسازی؟» در همین لحظه برادر کوچک تر از راه رسید و با دیدن پل فکرکرد که برادرش دستور ساختن آن را داده، از روی پل عبور کرد و برادر بزرگترش را در آغوش گرفت و از او برای کندن نهر معذرت خواست.
وقتی برادر بزرگ تر برگشت، نجار را دید که جعبه ابزارش را روی دوشش گذاشته و در حال رفتن است. کشاورز نزد او رفت و بعد از تشکر، از او خواست تا چند روزی مهمان او و برادرش باشد.
نجار گفت:«دوست دارم بمانم ولی پل های زیادی هست که باید آنها را بسازم.» کمی فکر کنیم در مورد زندگی خودمون که تا به حال چند بار به فکر انتقام و کینه و ضربه زدن به همدیگه بودیم و چه بهتر که به جای همه این کینه ها از محبت خداوند استفاده کنیم و دلهامون رو شفا بدیم...

28 June 2011

Beautiful Live Performance of Angel by Jackie Evancho

Jackie's voice is always so brilliant and beautiful to hear. Listen to her sing the song Angel in front of a live audience. Praise the Lord for giving her such an incredible voice.


"Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead."
By Louisa May Alcott

What Are the Basics of Discipleship?

Isn't it interesting that Jesus Christ never said to make disciples by taking them to church—or to a Bible study group, for that matter. Not that these activities aren't an integral part of a disciple's growth, but the Lord has something much more personal in mind.
[The] word entrust [in 2 Timothy 2:2] was a first-century banking term that literally meant "to make a deposit." Paul is saying in our text, "You have learned things from me, Timothy; now I want you to take that truth and personally deposit it into the lives of other disciples."
When you teach a child something about Christ, you are making a deposit into his heart; when you share Scripture or prayer with another believer, you are making a life-on-life deposit that Christ would define as true discipleship.
Frankly, my writing at this very moment reflects what I've had modeled and taught to me by others. That's what discipleship is: taking what Jesus Christ taught us and depositing it into the lives of other believers.
There are three components that define true discipleship. The first is touch. You can't disciple at a distance. The only way iron can sharpen iron is through personal connection. This is the touch that invests when others withdraw; it perseveres when others disappear.
Second, you must make the commitment of time. You won't be able to reproduce your life and passion for Christ in a day. You didn't grow overnight—we humans aren't like Jack's beanstalk! We're more like apple trees that need a lot of time to grow before fruit begins to appear.
The third component is truth: the truth of God's Word. This keeps the discipleship process on track, rather than one opinion contradicting another. Without truth, discipleship of any kind—coaching a team, tutoring a student, teaching an instrument—will not have permanence. The center of spiritual discipleship is the truth of Scripture.
The goal is more than information... it's transformation.
By Stephen Davey

The Prayer of Faith

In James 5:15 we are told,
And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up.  And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.
Clearly, James wants us to know that when we pray a prayer of faith, God will answer it.  In this passage, we are told that through that prayer God will indeed heal those who are sick, and raise them up.
So what is it that makes up the prayer of faith?  There are three components, all of which we have touched on in the last few days.
The prayer of faith is a prayer that:
  1. Does not waver.  It doesn't vacillate, moving back and forth.  It is anchored on the promise of God.
  2. Is followed by corresponding actions.
  3. Is prayed from right motives.
The example James cites of someone who prayed a prayer of faith is Elijah.  I encourage you to read his story in 1 Kings 17.  There you find that, through the prayer of faith, God shut up the heavens and there was no rain.  And then, by another prayer of faith, the heavens were opened and rain came down.
Elijah expressed his faith when he said he heard the sound of abundance of rain.  He made that statement before there was a cloud in the sky or before a drop of rain ever fell!
When you and I don't waver in our faith, when we show our faith by corresponding action, and when we pray with right motives, God will act.  As surely as Elijah heard that rain by faith, you can hear the rain…whatever that represents in your life.  That is the prayer of faith.

ای پدر آسمانی

ای پدر آسمانی ٬ مرا به عنصر صلح و آرامش خود بدل کن. ترس کجاست؟زمانیکه من حامل عشق و دوستی در عیسی مسیح برای انسانها هستم. نفرت کجاست؟وقتی که من حامل بخشش و گذشت در عیسی مسیح هستم. شک و تردید کجاست ؟زمانیکه قلب من جایگاه ایمان به خداوند عیسی است. غرور و تعصب کجاست؟ زمانیکه من همانند خداوندم عیسی فروتن باشم. اشتباه کجاست؟وقتی که من حامل حقیقت عیسی مسیح هستم. نومیدی کجاست؟زمانیکه من دنیایی از امید در عیسی مسیح خداوند هستم. تاریکی کجاست؟وقتی که من حامل زیباترین ستاره های پر نور از کلام پدر آسمانی هستم. ای پدر صلح و آرامش و عشق و فروتنی و حقیقت و بخشش و گذشت و ایمان و امید و نور کلام را در من تقویت کن و ترس و شک و تردید و غرور و تعصب و اشتباه و نا امیدی و تاریکی را از من دور کن در نام عیسی مسیح - آمین.


دریافتم که سخت ، سخت نیست اگر تو نرم باشی ! و هرگز سختی نمیتواند بر نرمی غلبه کند . دریافتم که عشق نرم است و میتواند بر هر کینه و عداوتی غلبه کند . مهربانی ، نرم است و میتواند خشونت را مغلوب کند . صبوری نرم است و میتواند بر رنج پیروز شود

26 June 2011

Ezra Taft Benson

"Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can. He can deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, and pour out peace."

A Literal Needle? A Real Camel?

Apart from God no one can be saved.
That's the whole point of the camel through the eye of a needle. Have you ever heard anybody explain this by saying that the eye of the needle represents some kind of tiny passageway into the city of Jerusalem where you had to kneel down to go through it? I don't think that's what it means at all. When Jesus says the eye of a needle, He means the eye of a needle. Like the needle you do sewing with. When He says camel, He means a great big old smelly, ugly camel that you ride across the desert. "Look at a camel and the eye of a needle. It is easier to get a big ugly camel through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to go to heaven."
Why? Because rich people trust in their riches. It's easy for a poor person to get saved because a poor person says, "If Jesus doesn't come through for me, I'm sunk." A rich man says, "If Jesus doesn't come through for me, that's okay. I've got my pension. I've got my stocks and bonds. I've got my options. I've got my golden parachute. I've got my safety net. If he doesn't come through, it doesn't matter. I'm taking care of things myself."
It is impossible, Jesus says, for a rich man to be saved, which leads to a very logical question: "Who then can be saved?" The answer comes in Luke 18:27: "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Here is the good news of the gospel: Even rich people can be saved if they will give up their trust in their riches. The richest people on earth can be saved, but they've got to stop trusting in their riches and they've got to start trusting in Jesus Christ and Him alone.
Whenever you stop trusting in money and the things that money can buy and turn your life over to Jesus Christ, then and only then will your heart be satisfied.
By Ray Pritchard

با غریبانی که در سرزمین تو زندگی می کنند، بدرفتاری نکن

با غریبانی که در سرزمین تو زندگی می کنند، بدرفتاری نکن. 
به هنگام مواجه شدن با غریبه ها، چه احساسی به شما دست می دهد؟ آیا حوصله تحمل کردن شان را ندارید؟ خدا از ما می خواهد با غریبه ها چنان رفتار کنیم که گویی هموطن ما هستند. در واقع ما همه در این دنیا غریبیم، چون دنیا خانه موقتی ما است. ملاقات با افراد غریبه را فرصتی بدانید برای نشان دادن محبت خدا
  لاویان فصل نوزدهم آیه سی و سوم

او از آن من است

خداوندا ، این حقیقت را هر روز عمیق تر از روز قبل در روح و جان من حک فرما که عیسی مسیح را هیچ جایگزینی نیست . او را هیچ رقیبی نیست . براستی چه شادی عظیمی که من از آن او هستم و او از آن من است . باشد که شگفتی این حقیقت هر روز بیش از بیش در درونم بدرخشد .

اشعیاء باب 43 آیات 1 تا 3

نترس ! زیرا من بهای آزادی تو را پرداخته ام .من تو را به نام خوانده ام .تو مال من هستی .هنگامی که از آبهای عمیق بگذری من با تو خواهم بود هنگامی که سیل مشکلات بر تو هجوم آورد نخواهم گذاشت غرق شوی !هنگامی که از میان آتش ظلم و ستم عبور کنی . شعله هایش تو را نخواهند سوزاند . زیرا من خداوند . خدای مقدس تو هستم و تو را نجات می دهم

24 June 2011

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“He is your beloved Heavenly Father, who seeks your good, your happiness. He desires with all the love of a perfect and pure Father that you reach your supernal destination. . . . All you have to do is trust your Heavenly Father. Trust Him enough to follow [Him].”

Donald L. Hallstrom

"In the most difficult circumstances of life, there is often only one source of peace. The Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, extends His grace with the invitation, 'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest' (Matthew 11:28)."

But Will It Make Me Happy?

"When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, a man cannot discover anything about his future." Ecclesiastes 7:14 (NIV)
When my son Brad was about three years old, he went through a little phase of playing on my emotions when he wanted something. If I told him "no," he would reply, "But mommy, that will make me happy." Then he would give me his most adorable smile and bat his eyes at me for effect.
Boy did he know how to work me over! Some of the requests were for things like a lollipop before dinner or staying up several hours past bedtime. And while I knew those things might make him happy for a moment, they definitely weren't the best choice for him. As his mom, I knew that sticking to my "no" was the wise choice — no matter how many manipulation tactics he tried.
And yet, how many times do I act just like this before God?
I kneel before Him and present Him with a laundry list of things I think would make my life better. In reality, I don't have any better idea about what is best for me than my child does. My view of happiness is very temporary and circumstance based.
While I think I know what will make me happy, I am learning that, in truth, I have absolutely no idea. And this is where trusting God and submitting to His will is always the better choice.
How many times in your life have you wanted something so badly — yet when you got whatever it was, you realized, "Nope, this didn't do it for me either." That house you wanted to move into so badly, that person you wanted to date, that achievement you thought would bring success, that child you longed to have — they all brought you momentary happiness, but they didn't fulfill you as you had hoped or bring you the significance you longed for.
I am learning slowly that whenever I find myself begging God for something, with some whining thrown in for good measure, I have to step back and ask myself the question: But will it make me happy? I know that whatever "it" is, it doesn't have the power to bring me lasting happiness — that deep indwelling joy that only God can bring.
I may have a flash of happiness, only to lose it mere moments later. I am learning slowly to push aside these momentary longings and seek God instead. To tell Him, "Here's what I think I want. But I trust You to do what's best for me."
I have learned that a book with my name on the cover, an outfit hanging in my closet that looks great on me, an accolade for my child, a trip to the spa, or an address in the right neighborhood will not make me happy, as much as I think it might. I can't look for happiness in the things of this earth, or I will certainly live in a state of disappointment.
Instead I can spend my time seeking God, and allowing Him to bring along unexpected blessings — little bouquets of happiness along the way.
That doesn't mean I don't still look longingly at a new iPod or a sleek new laptop and think fleetingly, "Oooooh, now that would make me happy." But I am learning to pull back and refocus my perspective when I have those thoughts.
Will it make me happy? Maybe for a moment. But in the long run, only God can bring me the joy I seek. I am learning that, minute by minute, day by day.
Dear Lord, please help my perspective to be Your perspective. Help my focus to stay where it needs to be — fixed intently on You and not on the things of this world I think will make me happy. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
By Marybeth Whalen

The Rich Young Ruler: Give up Everything?

Three of the four gospels contain an account of the young man who asked Jesus a very important question: "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?" (Luke 18:18). A ruler with great wealth, he considered himself a moral man because he had kept God's commandments.
However, he was operating under the false assumption that good works bring salvation. He seemed to be asking Jesus what else he had to do to secure his place in heaven - besides all the good things he'd already accomplished.
This is what I refer to as the "great deception" - the false belief that eternal life can be earned through our own efforts. If we give credence to this lie, then we do not understand the problem of our sin and how it separates us from God. Scripture tells us that we have inherited a sinful nature from the first man (Romans 5:12). Ever since that time, humanity has been in rebellion against the Lord and under His judgment. There is nothing we can do to pay for our sin. If this were the end of the story, we would be a people without hope for today or the future. But the good news is that the heavenly Father recognized our plight and mercifully provided the way to heaven (John 14:6)
When God made us in His image, He created us to live forever. So, though our earthly body will perish, our spirit will never die. The question about eternal life is important, as we'll spend eternity either with God in heaven or in an insufferable state, separated permanently from Him (Matthew 25:34, 41).
By Charles Stanley

انجیل یوحنا ۷: ۳۷- ۳۸

هر که تشنه باشد نزد من آید و بنوشد. کسی که به من ایمان آورد چنانکه کتاب میگوید از بطن او نهرهای آب زنده جاری خواهد شد

15 June 2011

Who Is the Holy Spirit?

"Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they do not believe in Me." (John 16:7-8)

 It is sometimes hard for us to grasp the fact that the Holy Spirit is a Him, not an it. After all, the Bible describes the Holy Spirit as a mighty rushing wind. We read of His coming upon the disciples in a divided flame of fire. We also read about His descending as a dove.

 But let's remember that Jesus is called the Bread of Life, and the Father is described as a refuge, hiding us under the shadow of His wings. Does that mean that Jesus is a loaf of bread—or that the Father is a giant bird in heaven? Of course not. These are simply metaphors to help us understand God.

 The Holy Spirit is a Him, and He has specific work that He wants to do. This includes convicting us of our sin—not necessarily sin in general, but to show us that we are sinners. The Holy Spirit takes the message of the death and resurrection of Jesus, shows us it is true, and shows us that we need to turn to God. Without the convicting power of the Spirit, you would never have come to Jesus. That is why, when I am praying for an unbeliever, I pray that God would convict him or her by His Holy Spirit.

 The Holy Spirit doesn't convict us of our sin to drive us to despair, but to send us into the open arms of Jesus. When Peter preached on the Day of Pentecost, Acts 2:37 says that the people "were cut to the heart" (Acts 2:37). This phrase means "pierced in the heart" and describes something that is sudden and unexpected. The Holy Spirit will stab you, in effect, but it is not to destroy you. It is to show you your need for Jesus.
By Greg Laurie

Becoming a Person of Mercy

 Luke 6:38 tells us,

"Give, and it will be given to you:  good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom.  For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you."

 It is not unusual to hear this verse used in connection with giving money to the Lord's work.  And while there is a principle concerning money embedded in this verse, Jesus was not talking about giving an offering when He made this statement.  That was not the subject under discussion.

 In order to understand what He was really talking about, you need to read verses 35-37,

"But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High.  For He is kind to the unthankful and evil.  Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.  Judge not, and you shall not be judged.  Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned.  Forgive, and you will be forgiven."

 Jesus wanted to impress on us this truth:  If you give forgiveness, and you give love, and you give mercy, they come back to you in good measure, pressed down, shaken together.

 He wanted us to understand that by the same measure you and I give these things, it will come back to us.  But if you and I measure out judgment and condemnation, guess what gets measured back to us?

 Make a commitment today to become a person of mercy, not seeking anything in return.  Become known as someone who reflects our God of mercy to a broken and needy world.

Robert Fulghum

“I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge - myth is more potent than history - dreams are more powerful than facts - hope always triumphs over experience - laughter is the cure for grief - love is stronger than death.”

13 June 2011

ناامید نباشید

دلیلی ندارد که همیشه تحت اوضاع و احوال همیشه افسرده و نومید زندگی کنید. مهم نیست که چند بار به زمین زده شده اید، باز هم برخیزید. خدا پایداری شما را می بیند. او عزم راسخ شما را می بیند. وقتی هر کاری از دست تان بربیاید انجام دهید، خدا قدم به میدان می گذارد و آنچه از دست شما برنمی آید،انجام می دهد.

10 June 2011

What Changed at Pentecost?

 The Holy Spirit did not make His first appearance at Pentecost. Students of the Bible will find Him mentioned as early as the creation account (Gen. 1:2). He is also shown to be doing the Father's work throughout the Old Testament and Gospels. However, the Spirit arrived in the upper room with a fresh mission from the Father.

 In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit empowered individuals for specific tasks. For example, Bezalel's God-given wisdom and craftsmanship enabled him to become the Tabernacle's chief architect (Ex. 31:1-5). We also read that the Spirit settled upon leaders needing help in administration (Num. 11:16-17); warriors facing formidable tasks (Judges 6:34; 1 Sam. 16:13); and men called to proclaim God's word (Isa. 61:1; Ezek. 2:1-4). When the Lord wanted a job done, He chose someone to do it. Then the Holy Spirit equipped him or her for the task. He gave power only to certain people and didn't necessarily remain with them long.

 Indicating that the Spirit's involvement with believers would be different than before, Jesus told the disciples, "He abides with you and will be in you" (John 14:17). God's Holy Spirit had come alongside the disciples during their time with Christ. But following the completion of Jesus' work on earth, He would dwell within them.

 Since Pentecost, every believer has received the Holy Spirit. If Jesus is the vine and we are the branches, then the Spirit is the sap equipping us for the Christian life. Furthermore, He no longer comes and goes but rather remains permanently. He seals us in Christ—proof of the promise that we are forever in God's presence (Eph. 1:13-14).
By Dr. Charles Stanley

Pleasing God… Even in Your Sorrow

 In Psalm 69, David shares his innermost thoughts as he cries out to God, afflicted, sorrowful, beaten down, and distressed.  David felt like he was sinking in floodwaters, caught in the quicksand of difficulties.

 If you are like me, I am sure you have been there too.  In fact, you may feel like you are there right now.  Floodwaters of trouble have come into your life.  You are treading water, and it seems like you are about to go down for the third time.

 For most of us, our response is to get down and depressed, to feel sorry for ourselves.  And to hope we will receive comfort and encouragement from those around us.

 David's reaction was different. And a model for how we should respond to those times of sorrow and trouble in a way that pleases God.  In verses 30 and 31 of Psalm 69 he states,

I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving.  This also shall please the LORD better than an ox or bull.

 You know, anyone can sing when the sun is shining.  It is easy to praise God and shout the victory when things are going your way.  But to praise God when the chips are down…that brings pleasure to God.

 To worship God, to magnify Him and to thank Him even when it looks like you are not going to make it, that pleases the heart of God.  It shows Him something about you.  It demonstrates that you have faith in Him, and it opens a way for Him to work in your life.

 If your life feels full of sorrow and trouble, begin to praise God, and watch God work!

8 June 2011

اشعیا 13:53-16

خداوند را كه آفريننده تو است كه آسمانها را گسترانيد و بنياد زمين را نهاد فراموش كرده‌اي و دائماً تمامي روز از خشم ستمكار وقتي كه به جهت هلاك كردن مهيّا مي‌شود مي‌ترسي؟ و خشم ستمكار كجا است؟ اسيران ذليل را بزودي رها خواهند شد و در حفره نخواهند مرد و نان ايشان كم نخواهند شد.زيرا من يهوه خداي تو هستم كه دريا را متلاطم مي‌آورم تا امواجش نعره زنند،‌ يهوه صبايوت اسم من است.و من كلام خود را در دهان تو گذاشتم و تو را زير سايه‌ دست خويش پنهان كردم تا آسمانها غرس نمايم و بنياد زميني نهم و صهيون را گويم كه تو قوم من هستي.

7 June 2011


دل خود را به حفظ تمام نگاه دار، زيرا كه مخرج هاي حيات از آن است
دهان دروغگو را از خود بينداز، و لبهاي كج را از خويشتن دور نما
چشمانت به استقامت نگران باشد، و مژگانت پيش روي تو راست باشد
طريق پايهاي خود را هموار بساز، تا همه طريق هاي تو مستقيم باشد

Does Prayer Make a Difference?

 Prayer is the lifeblood of an intimate relationship with the Father. But believers often have questions about its power and effectiveness. Don’t hesitate to take your queries to the Lord, dig into Scripture for answers, and seek the counsel of a trusted spiritual mentor. Prayer is too important to neglect.

 Will God’s plans fail if I don’t pray? God is not subservient to believers or dependent upon their prayers. The time we invest in speaking with Him involves us in the work that He is doing in our lives and in the world, but He will carry on without us.Laboring alongside the Lord is our privilege.

 Does my prayer (or lack thereof) impact God’s work? I believe that Scripture indicates the answer to this question is both yes and no, depending upon the situation. There are times when God’s purpose is set. He is in control and has determined the best course. In the Old Testament, the Lord often prophesied what He would do and then brought those events to pass.

 In other cases, “you do not have because you do not ask” (James 4:2). There are some good things that He holds back until we put out prayerful hands to receive them. But because God is a loving Father, He also pours our blessings that we wouldn’t even think to request.

 Believer’s prayers have tremendous impact, particularly on their own faith and life. Do you understand what an awesome privilege it is to kneel before the all-powerful Father and know that He listens and will respond? God loves to be good to His children and answer their prayers.
By Charles Stanley


"To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness."
By Robert Muller


"Compassion, a wind that blows down walls, whispers away prejudice, and cools anger. Compassion, a magic alloy that builds bridges and creates inseparable bonds."

 Think of all the forces that have had the power to separate us from each other: religion, race, class, age, political persuasion, nationality. The list is painfully long. With compassion, these differences do not need to separate or threaten us but instead can provide an opportunity to feel the love of God fill [us]. 
By  Mary B. Johnston