22 December 2010

Christmas Card


مطلبی از احمد شاملو

... به کلینیک خدا رفتم تا چکاپ همیشگی ام را انجام دهم، فهمیدم که بیمارم

. خدا فشار خونم را گرفت، معلوم شد که لطافتم پایین آمده

. زمانی که دمای بدنم را سنجید، دماسنج 40 درجه اضطراب نشان داد

آزمایش ضربان قلب نشان داد که به چندین گذرگاه عشق نیاز دارم، تنهایی سرخرگهایم را مسدود کرده بود...

. و آنها دیگر نمی توانستند به قلب خالی ام خون برسانند

به بخش ارتوپدی رفتم چون دیگر نمی توانستم با دوستانم باشم و آنها را در آغوش بگیرم.
 بر اثر حسادت زمین خورده بودم و چندین شکستگی پیدا کرده بودم...

فهمیدم که مشکل نزدیک بینی هم دارم، چون نمی توانستم دیدم را از اشتباهات اطرافیانم فراتر ببرم.

 زمانی که از مشکل شنوایی ام شکایت کردم معلوم شد که مدتی است که صدای خدا را آنگاه که در طول روز با من سخن می گوید نمی شنوم...!

خدای مهربان برای همه این مشکلات به من مشاوره رایگان داد و من به شکرانه اش تصمیم گرفتم از این پس تنها از داروهایی که در کلمات راستینش برایم تجویز کرده است استفاده کنم:

 هر روز صبح یک لیوان قدردانی بنوشم

قبل از رفتم به محل کار یک قاشق آرامش بخورم.

هر ساعت یک کپسول صبر، یک فنجان برادری و یک لیوان فروتنی بنوشم.

زمانی که به خانه برمیگردم به مقدار کافی عشق بنوشم.
و زمانی که به بستر می روم دو عدد قرص وجدان آسوده مصرف کنم. 

امیدوارم خدا نعمتهایش را بر شما سرازیر کند: 

رنگین کمانی به ازای هر طوفان ،

لبخندی به ازای هر اشک ،

دوستی فداکار به ازای هر مشکل ،

نغمه ای شیرین به ازای هر آه ،

و اجابتی نزدیک برای هر دعا. 

جمله نهایی :  عيب کار اينجاست که من  '' آنچه هستم ''  را  با   '' آنچه بايد باشم ''  اشتباه مي کنم ،    خيال ميکنم  آنچه  بايد  باشم  هستم،   در حاليکه  آنچه  هستم نبايد  باشم .    


20 December 2010

Britt Nicole "You"

Act of Love

We have all been told,
God created the heavens and the earth.
Unfathomable, but nevertheless - true.
He did this not just by His perfect wisdom,
but most importantly, by His love. 
It was not something that He had to do, 
but rather something that He chose to do.
Just as a man expresses his love for a woman,
God expressed His love for his creation.
He spoke light and darkness into existence
and segregated the sky and the waters.
The delicate flowers are like love notes,
and the moon - a box of chocolates. 
He taught the stars how to shine, 
and carefully numbered each.
He created the birds, to keep the trees company,
the sun to penetrate the mountains,
and the fish to fill up the sea.
But most importantly, he created us humans,
to commune with our Maker. 
He did all of this to express His love for us.
And once he had finished this intricate design -
he smiled and rested. 
That is why everyday when I examine the earth, 
which He securely holds in the palm of his hand,
I close my eyes and think of Him
Written by: Debbie Enyidah

12 December 2010

Tamara Lowe at Christ Fellowship

Awesome God

Our God, is just so awesome
He's good, to you and me
In His Grace and Strength, He blesses us
Just look around, and you'll see,

Meeting all our needs and helping us
Whatever, come what may
Get to know Him, personally 
Better not, delay,

Cause if, you want to know Him
Have Him, watching over you
You need to come to Him, through Jesus Christ
The Only Way, I tell you true,

To have, your sins forgiven
And to come to God, Free and Clear
Is through Jesus Christ, The Lord and Saviour
Better find Him quick, while you're still down here.

Richard Dottery

9 December 2010

کشیش مسیحی در ایران به مرگ محکوم شده است

یک   گروه  طرفدار  حقوق بشر  می گوید یک  کشیش  مسیحی  به دلیل  انکار مذهب اسلامی  خود به مرگ محکوم شده است.
«کمپین بین المللی  برای حقوق بشر در ایران» روز سه شنبه درخواست کرد محکومیت  «یوسف ندرخانی» به  اتهام ارتداد لغو  و او از زندان آزاد شود.
ندرخانی که اینک ۳۲ سال دارد در ۱۹ سالگی به مسیحیت گروید . او  عضو  کلیسای ایران و کشیش یک گروه ۴۰۰ نفرازمومنان مسیحی در شهر رشت است..
یک سخنگوی  کمپین   محکومیت کشیش را  «نقطه ضعفی» در سیستم  قضایی ایران می نامد، و صدور حکم مرگ علیه  نظرخوانی را «شکل نهایی  تبعیض مذهبی»  توصیف می کند..

کمپین می گوید ارتداد در قانون جزای  اسلامی جرم نیست. قاضی پرونده گفت  او حکم را بر پایه موادی از قانون اساسی ایران و رویه ّهای دادگاه صادر کرد که به قاضی دستور می دهد  در نبود  قانون مشخص، با منابع  به رایزنی  بپردازد و به آگاهی های شخصی خود استناد کند..
روز یکشنبه،  وکیل ندرخانی به دیوانعالی جمهوری اسلامی اعتراض کرد. یک دادگاه تجدیدنظر حکم را در ماه سپتامبر تایید کرد..

کمپین برای  حقوق بشردر ایران همچنین   خواهان آزادی بهروز  صادق خانجانی شد  که امکان دارد به جرم ارتداد در شهر شیراز  تحت پیگیرد قرار گیرد..
فیروز صادق  خانجانی ، یک عضوشورای اجرایی کلیسای ایران  و برادر  بهروز  به کمپین گفت دو مورد : بخشی از روند بزرگتر آزاز مسحیان در ایران است.

7 December 2010


Old year, I have to leave you
Old year, it’s time to go

Never again will you be here
Now you will only be last year

New year, it’s nice to meet you
New year, spread peace as you go

Keep the world safe, with nothing to fear
It’s all in your hands, “Happy New Year”

                                                                                  Hazel Oliver

4 December 2010

Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See!


The Prayer of Saint Francis

"O Lord, make me an instrument of your Peace!
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is discord, harmony;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light, and
Where there is sorrow, joy.
Oh Divine Master, grant that I may not
so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand; to be loved
as to love; for it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life."

Salvation (Indian Christian Song)

Worship and Prayer

Our Father who are in heaven;
Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation;
But deliver us from evil;
For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.

3 December 2010

Answering Major Questions

I- Trinity: What does the doctrine of "The Holy Trinity" mean?
The Word of God, the Holy Bible, teaches that there is only one true God, in three persons: "God the Father, God the Son (The LORD Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit." This is called "The Holy Trinity" in Christian faith. We Christians are strict monotheists, that is we believe strongly in the oneness of God (Mark 12:29). However, the oneness of God has to do with its nature, not person (we are not Unitarian). The doctrine of Holy Trinity is different from believing in existence of three gods. This doctrine has nothing to do with the number of gods but only with His nature. The nature of God is a mystery, and we must only rely on God’s own and only revelation to man, the Holy Bible. "The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and our sons forever"(EX 29:29).

II- Jesus as the Son of God: What does the Word of God, the Bible means when it says Jesus is the Son of God?
The Word of God, the Bible, itself gives the best explanation in Hebrews 1:3. It says: "The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being." The term "Son of God" has been used in the Bible in a metaphorical sense as in Hebrews 1:3. It is not meant in a physical sense since God is spirit and the term "The Son of God" describes a spiritual relationship between God the Father and Jesus. In John 10:30, Jesus says: "I and the Father are one." , meaning oneness in nature. Also, look at John 1:18 and John 14:9. Thus basically, the Sonship of Jesus means: 1- Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory. 2- Jesus is the exact representation of God’s being. 3- Jesus is the only source who has made God completely and fully known to Man. 4- Only by knowing Jesus we can know God, fully and intimately. 5- Jesus has the exact same nature as God the Father.

III- The Lordship of Jesus Christ: Why do you say Jesus is the LORD and has divine nature?
Jesus is LORD and has divine nature because His words and actions, as they are recorded in the Bible, are the words and actions that can be said and done only by the LORD God. The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus has divine nature and the full attributes of God exist in Him (see: Heb 1:3; Jn 1:18; 10:30; 14:9; Lk 3:22; power over death 11:1-44; power over sickness Lk 7:1-9, Jn 9; power over nature Lk 8:22-25; power over all evil spirits Lk 8:26-39; God’s moral character in Jesus Matt 5:18; 22:37-40; His resurrection Rom 1:4; 1 Cor. 15; Lk 24).

IV- Is the Bible reliable?
Yes! Absolutely. The Bible is fully and completely inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God. Based on manuscripts evidence, the Bible has not been changed. God is almighty and He has the power to preserve His message from any corruption. If He can not Keep His own Word safely protected, then what can he do? Also, the Word of God is not like fashion clothes, so that a "newer fashion" takes the place of "the older fashion." God’s Word is Eternal (Isa. 40:6-8; 1 Pet. 1:25). We need to keep in mind that when the term "The Word of God" is used for the Bible, it does not mean that God is the speaker for everything in it. Rather, it means that God inspired (guided) the recording of the revelation and other facts in the Bible while ensuring its hundred percent accuracy.

V- What does the Bible means by "salvation" and how can I be saved?
Salvation means rescuing from the wrath of God on sin and sinners. Also, salvation includes obtaining eternal life, close friendship with God, and freedom from power of sin, and Satan with all his demons. The only way of salvation, as indicated above, is through turning 180 degree from our sins with all our minds, emotion, and will. This is called "repentance." Then we must put our faith and trust for the whole of our lives in the LORD Jesus Christ who died for our on the cross, was buried, but rose again both physically and spiritually after 3 days. Jesus is now alive.
How can you obtain salvation?:
1- Admit your need (I am a sinner).
2- Be willing to turn from your sins (repent).
3- Believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the cross and rose from the grave.
4- Through prayer, invite Jesus Christ to come in and control your life through the Holy Spirit. Receive Him as your LORD and Saviour.
What to pray?:
"Dear LORD Jesus, I know that I am sinful and I need your forgiveness. I believe that you died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins. I want to turn from my sin nature and follow you instead. I invite you to come into my heart and life. In Jesus’ name. Amen."

VI- Is Jesus the only way to God?
Absolutely, yes. Jesus did not claim to be one of many equally legitimate paths to God, or the way to God only for his own days. Rather, He claimed to be the ONLY way to God- then, and forever. Jesus said: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me."(John 14:6). "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name, except the name of Jesus, given to men by which we must be saved"(Acts 4:12).

VII- Does the Bible predict the coming of any prophet from God after Jesus?
Absolutely, no! Jesus said on the cross: "It is finished." Meaning the revelation of God to man, and His plan of salvation for all mankind, for all the times, are finished and completed by Jesus Christ. God has not send any prophet after Jesus ,nor any book after the completion of The Holy Bible. In Revelation 22:13 Jesus said: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." Also, in Revelation 22:18, the Word of God warns: "If anyone adds anything to the prophecy of this book, God will add to him the plagues described in this book."

VIII- What about the followers of other religions?
We Christians, love and respect the followers of all religions even though we may not agree with their beliefs. We have only the Love of Christ in our hearts for them. In many countries which are predominately non-Christian, Christians have served the followers of other religions by building hospitals, schools, specially for the blinds, lepers, and orphans. We pray that all people may come to the blessed and saving personal knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

IX- What about "the gospel of Barnabas"?
The so called "gospel of Barnabas" is a forgery which is not written by the apostle Barnabas. This book contradicts the Bible, the Koran and even itself (Itself: Prologue, and Barnabas 42,82; The Bible: Lev. 25:11 and Barnabas 82; The Koran: Surah 3:45 and Barnabas 42,82). This book was written between 1300-1343 A.D. in Spain, by person who possibly was a victim of the Inquisition and decided to take revenge by composing a false Gospel under the assumed name of Barnabas to give his forgery some measure of apparent authenticity. He probably first composed his gospel in Italian to maintain an appearance of genuineness, but simultaneously composed (or arranged for such a translation) a Spanish version for distribution in his own country. He may well have been Fra. Marino or he may have been the translator, "Mustafa de Aranda." He was someone far more at home in Spain in Middle Ages, rather the in Palestine at the time of Jesus Christ.

X- Was Jesus crucified and rose again from the death?
Yes! Both the Word of God, the Bible (Matt 27:32-28:20; Mark 15:21-16:10; Luke 23:26-24:1-12; John 19:17-20:10) and historical records testify that Jesus was crucified on the cross in our place for the punishment of our sins, buried, and rose again, after 3 days, both physically and spiritually from the death.