We were
on our way to a certain judgment, but God sent Jesus. Because of His death and
His shed blood, we have now been reconciled with God.
That was
really the essence of the angel’s message to the shepherds as they watched over
their flocks on that first Christmas Eve. Part of that message was, “Glory to
God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:14 NKJV). A more
literal translation of this statement would be, “Glory to God in the highest
and peace on earth among men with whom God is well-pleased.”
That is
the key to peace on earth, peace between nations, and peace in a family: Peace
on earth among men with whom God is well-pleased.
How do we
please God? It is only through Jesus Christ, only through the way of
reconciliation He has made available to us. So if we want to be reconciled to
God and want to be reconciled with others, then it must be through Christ.
So many
of us need reconciliation today. Husbands need to be reconciled to wives.
Parents need to be reconciled with children. Sinners need to be reconciled with
God. We all need reconciliation.
Sin is
the great separator. Ever since it entered the world, it has divided people
throughout human history. When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, sin
immediately began its work of separation. It separated Adam and Eve from God.
It ultimately separated their sons, Cain and Abel. It was all because of the
separating impact of sin.
But at
the cross of Calvary, Jesus eliminated the wall that separated us from Him. He
brought about reconciliation..